Lecture Minisresidency

Si Kahn's Lecture Miniresidncy includes a full lecture and a class or training workshop for a moderate fee.


Lecture topics include:

BLOOD FROM STONES: Private Prisons and Corruption of Justice

Si Kahn explores the rise of the for-profit private prison industry. He explains how this new practice of imprisoning human beings for profits affects and endangers young people, people of color, the communities they live in and all of us. Most importantly, he tells us how we can work together to stop this abuse of justice and public trust.

Read about the leadership role of Si Kahn and Grassroots Leadership in the international anti-private prison movement at the April 19, 2002 DC meeting attended by 60 Congressional staff members in the Spring, 2002 issue of the Corrections and Criminal Justice Coalition newsletter. (Available in the Quotes and Reviews section)

Culture and Community: The Roots of Power

Songs, stories, language, gestures, music, poetry, food, celebrations, ceremonies sustain the communities of the less powerful. Si Kahn suggests different ways to reclaim our cultures and rebuild our communities into centers of life and power.

Social Work, Social Change

Addresses social workers as a special audience recalling the historic roots of social work as a radical profession working for social change while calling upon social workers to center themselves in that tradition.

Habits of Resistance

Draws on lessons of the Dutch resistance to the Nazis in World War II to challenge each of us to take responsibility for building a more just world one day at a time and illustrates how we can do exactly that by a combination of individual and collective action.


workshop titles include:

For a Si Kahn Lecture brochure, please contact Josh Dunson.

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